Irina - Geneva, 2018 Let me say big thank you for teaching me yoga. It is a life changing experience for me (something I was thinking of to start for many years and never did) and I am very grateful I am having you as a teacher! Marie - Genève, Juin 2017 Je n'avais jamais assisté à un cours de yoga jusqu'à ces derniers mois. C'est chose faite et c'est un réel plaisir avec Vanessa. J'ai opté pour un yoga doux , enseigné en soirée. C'est un cadeau que l'on se fait à soi-même car nous menons tous une vie à cent à l'heure, sans trop nous préoccuper de notre corps. Le temps du cours, Vanessa sait nous mettre en confiance, nous guide tout en douceur à travers les postures, nous aide à ressentir les émotions de notre corps et surtout d'être à l'écoute de ce dernier, à se recentrer sur soi. On ressent un immense bien-être (physique et mental), un apaisement à la fin de la séance. Je suis toujours surprise de constater la différence par rapport à mon corps en arrivant et en repartant du cours. Un grand merci Vanessa pour ce que tu nous donnes et nous apportes.
Mercedes - Geneva, June 2017 Yoga has always interested me. I embrace its phylosophy for body and mind, however, despite trying several times, I was never able to establish a regular practice. I was living at a "fast rate" and yoga did not seemed to find a place into my busy life. Until one day when my body, abruptly, literally stopped working and I was diagnosed a severe burnout. The experience was brutal and very scary. For several months I was seriously ill, incapable of doing even minimal things. Taking a shower seemed as climbing the Everest. When I was finally able to get out of my home and start slowly doing some activity, I tried once again yoga. This time I was extremely lucky; I found Vanessa. She is not a yoga teacher like any other I had met before, she is a true yoga master, someone with a deep knowledge of different types of yoga and a sublime way of passing that knowledge to others. The barriers I experienced before to get into a regular yoga practice dissapeared when taught by Vanessa. Nowadays, I have incorporated yoga into my daily regular life and receive lessons from Vanessa three times a week. These sessions have enormously helped me overcome the sequelae of the burnout, regain flexibility and strength, develop inner awareness, and restore my mind and spirit. Yoga is now with me to stay as a life companion. Thank you, Vanessa, for making this possible.
Marie-Laure - Genève, octobre 2016 Pratiquer le Yoga est passionnant. Grace à la compétence et au professionnalisme de Vanessa, on apprend - ou on réapprend- à rétablir une harmonie entre le corps et l'esprit. Dans un monde où l'on est en permanence survolté, il est bon, pour un temps de lâcher prise. Il faut savoir s'arrêter, être à l'écoute de soi- même. Vanessa est un excellent "maitre yogi". Elle vous guidera et vous fera découvrir tout un nouvel art où l'on ne cesse d'apprendre, sur soi, et sur son univers.
Inger J. - Stockholm, August 2016 I have done so many different kinds of gym but never yoga, so when I heard that Vanessa gave courses in Stockholm this summer I said: why not. Really never expected anything from it. But there I was wrong. A whole new experience. With her wide knowledge, she guided me with my head and body through an other sphere. Self-control, in all senses, and a well-being. I appreciated so much her knowledge about different types of yoga and her teaching. Thank you.